TeCMArcH: preserving and enhancing cultural landscape

Susanna Bortolotto al Civico Museo Archeologico di Milano

The TeCMArcH laboratory – Techniques for the Conservation and Management of Architectural Heritage, was born in 1998 and is part of the Experimental Laboratory System of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies.

Among his main research activities, there are investigations and studies aimed at implementing correct preservation and enhancement interventions of the cultural landscape, historic centres, archaeological sites and architecture.

Activities that are developed through the use of instruments and technologies for the survey, monitoring, management and dissemination of data such as laser scanner / total station, three-dimensional photogrammetry, territorial information systems, webgis platforms.

The Observatory for the conservation of wooden works also operates within the laboratory.

We met Professor Susanna Bortolotto, scientific coordinator of the laboratory, at the Civic Archaeological Museum of Milan. In this fascinating setting, she will explain the activities of the TeCMArcH researchers.
