In a world where doctors and engineers are having increasing dialogue, computational biomechanics is becoming a bridge between these disciplines, and offering novel solutions for personalised medicine.
Giulia Luraghi, Assistant Professor at the “Giulio Natta” Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano, explained how numerical models, Digital Twins and artificial intelligence are revolutionising cardiovascular procedures, making them safer, more effective and more precise.
In describing her work, Giulia showed us how two apparently distant worlds can work together to develop technologies that can improve patients’ lives and transform clinical practice.

Can we retrace the course of your academic career?
I’ve always been loyal to the Politecnico [laughs]. All my academic studies took place here, from my initial degree to my doctorate. I studied Biomedical Engineering for my BSc and my master’s degree, and then completed my studies with a doctorate in Bioengineering. During my PhD, I spent six months studying abroad – at Swansea University in Wales – a different but very enjoyable experience. I joined a small workshop led by a professor who was an expert in a methodology I hadn’t previously encountered, and this was the reason I chose it. I really learned a lot and I have positive memories of this time.
I am now an Assistant Professor and head of the cardiovascular section of the Laboratory of Computational Biomechanics and In Silico Medicine here at the Politecnico. Since 2020, I have also been working as an affiliated researcher with TU Delft, looking into a particular application: an intra-arterial thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke. My input is mainly remote: I speak at group meetings, I assist some of their undergraduates, and I have also sent students from the Politecnico over there. I’ve met the group in person several times, but I’ve never spent long periods over there.
When did you develop your interest in research?
There was no particular moment; I think I realised I wanted to pursue this as a career while I was doing my master’s thesis. I’ve always been a very curious person, I like studying and learning new things. It was this bent that probably drove me, but let me explain a bit more. After my master’s degree I did my doctorate, but I didn’t think really much about it; I never considered doing anything else. Clearly, I was also fortunate to have had the opportunities to carry on.
My choice to study Biomedical Engineering sprung from a desire to be able to do something useful for people’s health and well-being; and I was also attracted by the idea of embarking on a journey that would lead to final applications.
Let’s get down to the details of your research, what exactly do you do?
I specialise in Computational Biomechanics, a discipline that applies the principles of mechanics to the study of biological systems – in my case cardiovascular systems – using computational methods. In practice, I develop computer models that mimic cardiovascular procedures.
The work in our lab involves the use of the individual patient’s Digital Twin. This allows us to study the patient’s pathology, to understand its causes and/or extent, and to reproduce the cardiovascular procedure best fitted to improve it. Our end goal is to offer useful advice to surgeons and, in some cases, to also help improve possible prostheses.
My current research is focusing on three main cardiovascular procedures:
- TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation): a procedure that involves replacing the aortic valve with a percutaneous prosthesis. This is also the main theme of my ERC project.
- Stent-graft implants for aortic diseases: TEVAR (thoracic endovascular aortic repair) and EVAR (endovascular aortic aneurysm repair)
- Cerebral intra-arterial thrombectomy: a procedure for removing clots from the cerebral arteries in cases of ischaemic stroke. Our work on this procedure forms part of a European project funded by Horizon Europe.
What sort of methods do you use to build your models?
The key thing for us is to have access to the patient’s data, particularly the pre-operative images. As I said before, we can use these images to reconstruct the patient’s Digital Twin, a 3D model which, in the instance of the aorta, allows us to build an accurate copy of its form.
When it comes to devices such as prosthetics, we need physical examples in order to study them, to test their behaviour, and to see how the material performs under different conditions. Here again, we can create a virtual twin of the prosthesis, reproducing not only its shape but also the properties of the materials. By the using finite element methods of simulation, we can therefore replicate the prosthesis in detail, mimicking the interaction between the patient and the device, and taking account of various factors such as the characteristics of the aorta, the valve, the cerebral vessels and the blood clots. All this is through highly realistic 3D models.

How do you collaborate with the surgeons, and how does the exchange of knowledge play a part?
The main aim of our work is to predict any possible complications so as to prevent them taking place. By the use of numerical simulation, a method typical of engineering, we can transform the results into a format that is easy for the surgeon to interpret. For example, surgeons are used to calculating blood flow using Doppler echocardiography; we can create images of the various sections in our 3D model and display the blood flow velocity inside the aorta. This allows us to examine any variations in fluid dynamics, such as changes in localised blood flow velocity or pressure, which could then lead to complications.
Also, if a surgeon is undecided between two prostheses, or has doubts about the best site for the implant, we can simulate different scenarios and provide them with a map, a design, or a diagram to help them make a decision.
Our collaborations begin in different ways, but they always have one thing in common: the close interaction between us and the surgeons, who present us with their practical and clinical needs. Because we are not doctors, we rely on their expertise to understand the problems that need resolving. It is often the doctors themselves who suggest the areas where more research would be useful, and we develop research projects together to find answers to these questions.
Do you work on cases involving individual patients, or patient groups?
We work on both. When we’re dealing with a patient-specific case, the surgeon sends us the relevant images and we then build up the model, creating different scenarios to provide a picture of the best options.
However, in other instances, we collect data from a greater number of patients with the same condition, but with different applications, in order to understand why some patients develop complications and others do not. It depends a lot on the purpose of the research.
Do you have to work to a tight deadline in patient-specific cases?
Generally speaking, when we’re working on patient-specific cases, the deadline is not too tight. For example, when it comes to aortic valve or stent-graft procedures, which are non-urgent operations, the surgeons schedule these about 2 to 3 weeks in advance. So in these cases, we have adequate time to prepare the necessary models and simulations. We have made great progress in improving the efficiency of our simulations, and can now manage to produce results in about 48 hours. These time-scales also allow us to exchange information with surgeons; we can show them a preliminary result, and then adapt it if required, by perhaps trying out a different prosthesis or scenario.
But what happens in urgent cases?
For emergency cases, such as strokes, the situation is completely different. These operations need to be done quickly, within 4 or 5 hours. At the moment, we cannot build our model fast enough for it to be used during the operation, as it takes about 24 hours to complete such a simulation. However, we can use it later on, to help improve the procedure retrospectively, looking at what could have been done better.
We are also developing methods based on artificial intelligence, which could greatly improve this particular aspect. For example, by using a database of many patients, AI models could correlate the patient geometry and the chosen procedure with the final results. So, in the future, it would be possible to have predictions in real time, without the need to construct the entire simulation. This form of technology would be particularly useful for urgent procedures, where time is of the essence.

What is the margin of error in these models?
A model is of course not the same as reality, there are limitations, but there are precise rules we follow to ensure the results are valid. Rules that have also become standards.
For example, before you can use a simulation in clinical practice, it has to be approved. This process involves comparing the results of the model with actual experimental data to determine the margin of error. For example, if our simulation model predicts blood flow velocity of 2 m/sec and a Doppler echocardiogram then reveals the same speed, we can be sure that our work is valid. A 2% margin of error is generally acceptable. In any event, our aim is to always minimise error and to constantly improve.
What is the success rate of your work, and how are your results guaranteed?
Our success rate is very high. Every simulation we develop is subjected to tests, which include a comparison with real clinical data and technical approval for the model. We follow a standard procedure, using the VVUQ (Verification, Validation, Uncertainty Quantification) system of rules, which allows us to demonstrate the reliability of our models. So far, we’ve achieved very satisfactory results. Our aim is to advance step by step, checking every improvement before applying it in a clinical context. We’d like to offer surgeons some innovative tools in the future, such as an app that allows them to try out simulations on their smartphones. Our idea is that the surgeon could upload their patient’s images, examine their anatomy and then simulate a stent-graft implantation to see what it would look like.
I know you were recently awarded an ERC grant; first of all, congratulations! Would you like to explain what it is and what’s the project you’re working on?
The ERC (European Research Council) is a European funding scheme which, unlike other programmes – such as those of Horizon Europe – is awarded to individual researchers and not to consortia. It provides a way to fund very innovative ideas with high social impact. The type of ERC I was awarded is the Starting Grant, which lasts for 5 years and is designed for younger researchers: i.e. those who have completed their doctorate during the previous 2 to 7 years. There are also other types, such as the Consolidator and Advanced grants, which are for researchers with more experience.
My project is called Protego and it focuses on the treatment of aortic valve diseases. The goal is to reduce the high number of complications that occur after surgery, in particular after aortic valve implantation. The innovative aspect of this work is that it uses a combination of biomechanics – my area of research – and immunology. My idea is to develop a predictive model based on artificial intelligence, which can calculate the post-operative prognosis by using data from both the patient’s digital twin (numerical simulations) and his immune profile. The novelty lies in using an approach which combines biomechanics and immunology; because post-operative complications, such as incorrect implantation of the prosthesis, or problems related to inflammation in the patient, are often the result of an interaction between these two factors. So, my project is aimed at developing forms of artificial intelligence that can examine both aspects together.

What are your next steps?
I’m still trying to settle in, as this is a very important project. Two PhD Candidates are also starting work with me soon. The project is still at an early stage, so my task will be to organise the team efficiently. The aim of the ERC grant is to enable us to study and test the underlying hypotheses, but my longer-term goal is to develop something that is patentable, or a technology that is ready to use. My objective, and that of my group, is to transform the results of basic research into practical applications in the clinical setting. If my hypothesis proves to be workable, I would like to be able to continue down this road, patenting the technology and transferring it into clinical practice, and also starting clinical trials.
What is it that still surprises you about your current work?
One thing that constantly surprises me is my interactions with the doctors, and in particular the positive relations I have with the surgeons, who very forward-looking, open to new technologies and interested in research. This has always impressed me, ever since I was a young PhD student. It’s particularly gratifying for us, who mainly work at a computer and don’t have direct contact with the practical side. People who work in the theoretical field can often have the feeling that their work is abstract and an end in itself, but seeing how research is applied, appreciated and used in clinical practice is really rewarding.
What advice would you give to a young person who wants to pursue your career?
I would definitely advise them to go where their curiosity takes them, just as I did. If a person is really curious and interested in discovering new things, they should nurture this curiosity and not let it dissipate. It is important not to give up in the face of difficulty, because this career can be challenging, but it also gives you great satisfaction. So, if you have the desire to learn and grow, it is worth facing all the challenges, because in the end the journey can be extremely rewarding.